Personal message
I hope you and your family are well and Staying Safe in these unprecedented times
If I can help you in any way just let me know
Telling your Business Story
My June Growth and Profit Group Online Interactive Workshop covered the topic of Telling your Business Story. In these exceptional times it’s more important than ever to communicate effectively at each stage of your sales process.
So how do we get our message across?
To see how effective we are now, we looked at the following diagnostic questions about your current Business Story:
- How do you currently communicate your business story?
- Does it talk only about you?
- Does it tell your prospect how they will benefit from your product or service?
- Does it address ROI?
It’s important to have a framework to build your Business Story around. With this in mind, we looked at Pixar and how powerful their frameworks are. We looked at two in particular – The Nemo framework and the Guide framework.
The Nemo framework revolves around the following – Once upon a time, Every day, One day, Because of that, Because of that, Until finally
The Guide framework appealed to me when I was looking at retelling my business story because it involves a Guide who I identified with immediately:
- Who is the Hero in your story?
- What is the problem he has?
- Who is the Guide he meets?
- What is the Plan?
- What is the Call to Action?
- Results in Success
- Avoiding the cost of failure
Pulling all this together we get my short Infographic Animation – Defeating the Time Thief – which you can find on the home page of my Website
If you think any of these ideas can help you, your customers or contacts please let me know by email to
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How to plan for your business to survive the Coronavirus disaster
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Website Diagnostics
In the Resources section of my website,, which are free to use, all you have to do is enter your contact details, to get a copy of the report generated by the diagnostic software. You will find an improved GPS Diagnostic and completely new Diagnostics on Change Success and Leadership
Have a look, try the diagnostics, and let me know what you think