Quote for the Day
“ Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything ”
George Bernard Shaw
Making Meetings Work for you
The topic for my September Growth & Profit Club Workshop was making meetings work for you.
Not entirely surprisingly, the feeling of the group was that meetings take up too much time and are, generally, not productive enough – so what can we do about it?
Some of the problems with meetings we identified are:
- Avoidance of accountability
- Lack of commitment
- Conflict
- Not enough trust
- Take too long
- Poor Culture
- Ego – Hogging the floor
- People don’t listen to understand
- People act too defensively
Let’s look at Culture by asking the following questions:
- Why are we here as a business?
- How do we behave in our organization?
- What do we do?
- How will we know we have succeeded?
- Who must do what next to move us toward achieving our goals?
- What are our core values and are we true to them?
I recommend structuring meetings into the following categories:
Daily Check in
Creative – Brain Storming
How many of your meetings fit into each of the above categories?
Research shows that you should not spend more than 20% of your time in meetings.
How can you use these ideas to help you to improve your organisations meetings to be more productive?
Growth and Profit Club
Please note that my next free Growth and Profit Club workshop on Zoom will be at 16.30, on Wednesday, 30 November 2022, and the topic is Value-Based Marketing
Membership of my Growth and Profit Club will allow you to access other business leaders’ experience, knowledge, and wisdom, and share your own, helping to develop the expertise and proficiency of everyone on the Zoom video call.